When you’re working hard to achieve something with all your heart is when true learning take place. In other words, when you really want something (be it a job, a particular project, an award, a reward, anything, everything) and are willing to push your intellectual, emotional, physical and mental boundaries, that is when genuine character builds. Yes, it sounds all preachy but it’s true. Have you ever wanted something so desperately that you’ve tried every possible solution to get it? Faced unbearable agony and have been on the verge of giving up? And then, more often than not you get what it is that you want and the joy of achieving that is pure and profound. Yes, a lot of time you don’t get what you strived so hard for, but because you’ve strived so hard for something in your life you can be sure that something better awaits you, that is just how it is with the universe. Here’s a poem by Mr. Daisaku Ikeda that I happened to read, which led to the above thoughts: Ab...
Travel. Food. Randomness.