This story is getting old. And so far, it is a story told in parts to different listeners in different contexts. The varied contexts in which I find myself quoting parts of this story make me realize that it is probably a story I should write in a complete form, so as to not let the learnings from the story fade away for me. I cannot put a finger to that one moment when I felt for the first time an enormous love for travelling. For me, it is probably an accumulation of conversations and experiences that has made me want to travel more. And given my yearning to move out of my comfort zone, traveling solo had to be tried. Gradually moving away from the thought of always being at the front foot when it comes to work, I feel like the time between jobs is a blessing. Savings or no savings, having a lack of responsibility of sustaining others, I am glad I chose to travel to Ladakh during that time for my first solo trip. When I asked my family for permission, they had to choose betwe...
Travel. Food. Randomness.