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Showing posts from November, 2010

Coming of Age

Today, we shall analyze and discuss at length, a new genre of relationships that is taking pace with the passing time. It’s easy, romantic and the best of all comes with no misunderstandings! Yes, a Love Story without misunderstandings! Beat that Mr. Eric Segal! While we have all loved the book for its utter simplicity, the genre of relationships that I shall be talking about henceforth has surpassed that level of simplicity. Without much ado, let me introduce my fellow readers to Textual Relationships. (No, you read it right the first time you read it. It is indeed Textual, not what you think you misread!) They are easy to get into and easier to get out of. No need to buy her flowers, no showering him with hugs and kisses, no need to pretend that you’re listening, no shedding tears after fights (in some cases, no fights at all). All it takes is a series of very cheap antics called Short-Messages (henceforth referred to as SMS). I call them cheap not just out of my utter discontent fo...

Sweet Escape

The Sun shone weakly on the mildly cold winter morning. A round orange ball, so vulnerable and so lost of its power. It was so weak that the Gold from its surface had merged in unison with the Deep Orange that seemed to defy all rules. These rules had bound the Sun to be the powerful one, always illuminating the world. But, today as He hugged the woman who he had loved, the Sun seemed to have learnt a lesson. It was all so in sync with what was happening in his life. But, he had travelled across the world, seen so much that anything now hardly ever excited him. As he took her into his strong arms, held her along her delicate waist, he could feel the melting away of all the sourness that he had felt towards her all this while. The Sun hidden behind clouds, melting in its own right, smiled upon Him. He had been on a voyage. A journey so long and eventful that he could write a book about those two days of his life! Nothing really significant happened that day, which would have triggered...