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Agnostic Viewpoint

“So you believe in God, eh?”
“Uhh…umm…Yes…No…umm…I don’t know!”

But, what I do know is that I don’t know who is God. Or, what is God. Perhaps It is a belief that justifies our existence and the occurrence of every event.  Perhaps, a concept that our super-human ancestors cooked up so that they could weave innumerable stories around it about hell and heaven and morals and ethics. Perhaps He is a super-human Himself who controls each of our actions like a puppeteer would do. And, why exactly am I using “Him”? “He” could just be a “She” or perhaps just an “It”. I choose not to discriminate and shall use “It” for any further reference.

So, we have never seen It. But, we had occurrences which are mysterious to us. And, so we think It is there. Where? We don’t know! To avoid any hurt to people’s sentiments that I may cause by my rhetoric statements, I shall now only present My Agnostic Viewpoint:

I think and choose to believe that t is really just about Faith. Faith in something, anything that lets you believe things will be fine. There are people who trust a small coin more than their lives and think that it is this coin which will solve their problems. Hindus have faith in idols, Muslims in Allah, Buddhists in themselves, and Chinese in the Universal concept of equilibrium. Essentially, all of them lead fulfilled lives, as long as their faith is strong. It is not the coin or the idol or the Universe that does people’s work. It is Them who do it! They are the centre of their own universe. But, to be able to take charge of their lives and not be bogged down by problems, all they need is faith. Anything, anybody who helps them draw courage from within, and helps them realize that they are the sole owners of their lives. There is no one pulling strings from the heaven. We are the puppeteers who pull at the strings of our life!

However, most often what we end up doing is placing the object of devotion on a higher pedestal than us. Something Above us, instead of Within us. Hence, when we have problems that we cannot find a solution to, we pray. No, we beg! We kneel down in front of something that we do not even know if it exists and beg for our own lives! Not too difficult to really look for a solution from within ourselves, I say! Here, it is worth mentioning and I hope we will agree to this that, sooner or later we do find a solution to our problems. It does not come from thin air! No super-human comes inside our head to plant those solutions there. It comes from us. It is that simple and that complex!

My livid mind cannot help but begrudge all those people who take this faith of others for granted. Trying to show someone a better way of living by introducing them to a philosophy/object of devotion that has worked for you is really different from forcing them to do the same! But we are Humans and not God (pun intended) and so we fall for the trap. We fall so deep in it that we donate all our life savings to a piece of stone and beg for the same thing again! If stones could get us what we wanted, money growing on trees would not be difficult to believe!

No religion propagates killing. It is the concocted interpretations of religion by some ill, power-seeking minds that do that! Somewhere, in the quest for power, we have forgotten that Religion was meant as a quest for God, which I interpret as the quest for one’s own self! You don’t credit for the number of Jews you killed, in the “house of the God”, if there is any. But it sure helps you gain power over the scared minds of the survivors! You do not invoke the anger of Gods by shouting out one odd anti-Hindu slogan. But, you do invoke the wrath of the conniving Hindu Parties that would love to have some cheap publicity and sway the crowd with their Communication skills!

Taking a detour from preaching, it is important that I mention the concept of Karma, as known in a few religions. For those readers who are followers of a different philosophy, trust me, you know about it too. Your “religion” says the same thing, perhaps in a different language! Quoting from Sri Guru Granth sahib, “As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma.” While the cycle of rebirth and death is something that I wish to stay miles away from discussing, I think this concept perfectly fits even if we are talking about one single birth. If we are all believers in Religion and God, why is it so difficult for us to believe in this simple concept of doing well for others! Now, it is nothing but unfair to follow sayings that suit us and not follow which don’t! A lot of Religions regard intake of Alcohol as unethical. How many of us believe in it? Yes, I tried counting and the numbers really don’t seem to end!

Cutting it all short, here is what I do not believe in- Religion. Here is what I believe in- Faith. I have no reason to believe in God, but then, I do not even have a reason not to.


  1. Excellent post my sister. I will try to remain concise in my response, however you have covered a great deal of information.

    You speak to various world religions thereby you maintain observations of discord to your sensibility. Although you only loosely touch on their respective doctrines you see something which is not quite right. Over the last 30 years I have studied all the religions you have alluded to and I concur with your assessment of organized religion.

    All book based religions have been co opted by global elite powers in an effort to promote fear and separation. Book based religions all speak of a God who remains separate from self. The deliberate misting over is managed by the indoctrination of the masses that GOD

    " created "

    the universe. Further to the deception, all book based religions use variations of the carrot and stick ideology to keep adherents in their place and needing of salvation. Catholicism uses heaven and hell. Islam uses the vision of an eternal life in the house of Allah with 72 virgins. Hindu and Buddhist philosophies incorporate concepts of rebirth and karma.

    Another point of illusion portrayed by organized religion is seen in the concept of judgment. Whether it is a Christian, Muslim, or Eastern GOD the righteous are always rewarded whilst the sinners perish or succumb to an unfavorable rebirth.

    Finally you touched on faith my sister. It was very intelligent to write about the inherent value of faith. However, I doubt that your considerations reflect a perspective of faith from a control ideology. Accepting a religious doctrine as a launching point for personal salvation is like joining a cult. Think about it for a second. The adherent believes in salvation from an external force. Also the faithful know they must give utter faith to the vehicles for salvation; the book and prophet. If they don't then the can't be saved. What better hook could you place on the masses than this. They experience life is shit, they want a different reflection so they buy into salvation as the only way they can rationalize their existence.

    So is there a proven spiritual truth? Is there a God? Can it be proved scientifically?

    The answer to these three questions are yes.

  2. Part 2.

    To get back on track we need to step back to the creation of the universe. GOD did not create the universe my sister, this is a lie. GOD

    " became "

    the universe. This is a most fundamental shift in perspective. Now, one understands that all manifest reality is GOD. The computer you read from, the chair you sit on, all the plants and animals and most importantly YOU ARE GOD. In fact, there is absolutely nothing which is not GOD. Here are some other facts to rattle the melon;

    1./ You are not your body, you are consciousness.
    2./ You are the master of your reality. Thoughts, feelings and emotions from your heart relay to the Noosphere intent, this intent is translated into reality.
    3./ Linear time is an illusion, past and future do not exist. There is only the eternal NOW moment.
    4./ Separation is an illusion. You are not separate from anyone or anything, there is only the ONE.
    5./ Your physical reality is illusion. The true expression of reality is photon energy in the form of light. In effect, this world is a matrix of light energy, known as quantum reality, or quantum foam.
    6./ You were never born and you will never die. Your body is part of the matrix, it changes as the matrix changes. The experience we call death, is simply a transition of perspectives of consciousness. You are ETERNAL.
    7./ Space is an illusion of the mind. Consciousness perceives space to exist however it too is a reflection of the matrix.
    8./ Finally, the world is not " out there ". All manifest reality exists within self. It is the grandest illusion to believe the universe exist outside of the illusionary ego self.

    I speak of all these revelations as facts and not belief. Those who have faith cannot and will not be capable of seeing true reality or knowing true spiritual gnosis. Those, like yourself, my sister, who question their reality are much more apt to find the path to the truth of the heart.

    All the spiritual ideologies I have mentioned can be proven by scientific peer group standards beyond any doubt with notice paid to advances made over the last two decades in; physics, quantum mechanics, biology, Chemistry, Astro Physics and intention experiments. My blog site is loaded with over 300 free videos meant to allow inquisitive minds like yours to find answers and truth. I am You, you are me, we are one eternal expression of consciousness.

    In Lak' ech, my sister, Love and light...

  3. I agree with much of what Christopher says. I might say it in a different way, but the essence is similar.

    I find religion important, though, when rightly understood. I believe every Founder of a religion, let's say Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and those Who come after--there will always be a Manifestation, and each talks of Another Who will come, spoke the Truth and spoke it to the people and place of the time. We have evolved, God is unchangeable. We have evolved in a macrocosm in the same way that in a microcosm we evolve from infant to child to teen to adult.

    If there are differences in the messages, it is due to the time and place they were revealed in.

    I believe the teachings of the Messengers are One, but not the adulterations in interpretations and dogma given to them by their followers. Religious truth is relative. Religion must change as all things in life. For example, Jesus came and shook things up, told them they had everything screwed up, and brought them back to the basics, but here they are again, Christians as bad as the Pharisees.

    Now, Newton wasn't exactly wrong, but Einstein showed us more. My second grade teacher wasn't wrong, but my high school teacher showed me more when I was capable of understanding.

    "How great the multitude of truths which the garment of words can never contain! How vast the number of such verities as no expression can adequately describe, whose significance can never be unfolded, and to which not even the remotest allusions can be made! How manifold are the truths which must remain unuttered until the appointed time is come! Even as it hath been said: "Not everything that a man knoweth can be disclosed, nor can everything that he can disclose be regarded as timely, nor can every timely utterance be considered as suited to the capacity those who hear it."

    Of these truths some can be disclosed only to the extent of the capacity of the repositories of the light of Our knowledge, and the recipients of Our hidden grace. We beseech God to strengthen thee with His power, and enable thee to recognize Him Who is the Source of all knowledge, that thou mayest detach thyself from all human learning, for, "what would it profit any man to strive after learning when he hath already found and recognized Him Who is the Object of all knowledge?" Cleave to the Root of Knowledge, and to Him Who is the Fountain thereof, that thou mayest find thyself independent of all who claim to be well versed in human learning, and whose claim no clear proof, nor the testimony of any enlightening book, can support."

    ("Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah" sec. LXXXIX, pp. 176-77)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. May I say, that I second every word written here. Cutting it short, I too have emerged to believe more in faith than in religion.
    Karma is something that you have touched upon n ur post.
    Through my latest readings I have come across different interpretations of karma, each differing with add to u'r bucket of knowledge read this abstract below, from wikipedia:
    " In Hinduism karma literally translates as "deed" or "act", representing a cosmic understanding of cause and effect, the actions and reactions that governs all life. Karma is not understood as fate, rather, in Hinduism man acts with free will creating his own destiny. According to the Vedas, if man sows goodness, he will reap goodness; if he sows evil, he will reap evil. This understanding is not terribly dissimilar from the western popular culture interpretation of “what goes around comes around”, and a generalized belief that good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds are punished. However, for Jains karma is a much more sophisticated and developed belief system. The physical body is viewed as a prison for the soul and it is believed that karma is responsible for keeping the soul trapped within the body. Karma is understood to be an invisible supernatural substance composed of very fine particles that permeate the soul determining what physical form the soul will take. It is the accumulation of karma that determines the form in which a soul is reincarnated. The deliverance of the soul from karma is achieved through strict asceticism whereby the soul hinders the karmas, or tiny particles of matter, from infusing the soul and purges the old karmas before they are realized in the next life."


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