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The Interplay

With the whip of the mouth and the lash of the tongue,
Punishing each other, for the deeds undone:
Fire and water, water and fire,
They are sinners; Sinners of love.

Submerging the flames into their depth,
Pacifying their turbulence,
Cooling their anger at the world: a rush of waves.
Expanding the waves into steam,
Filling them with energy,
Caressing their wounds inflicted by the seashore: a surge of flames.

Now, towering over each other in circles and spirals,
Each one trying to outdo the other:
Fire and water, water and fire,
They are competitors; Competing for love.

Slowly creeping onto the flames,
Steadily sucking on their flesh,
Asserting their autonomy with a sudden gush,
The waves bite at the flames!
The flames, pacified earlier,
Make a comeback, towering higher than the waves,
Their touch blazing with passion driven by tireless desire,
And so the waves rest!

Asserting their identity; submitting to desire.
Submitting to the other’s identity; asserting their passion.
Fire and water, water and fire,
They are companions; companions in love.

Flickering ever so slightly
Under the weightless presence of the drops;
Enjoying their wetness;
The remnants of flames remain.
Knowing the short-lived victory
Waiting to go down;
Be overpowered by the sheer presence of the flames;
The drops remain.

Seeking, searching, trying to find each other again,
The blazing flames and the placid waves,
Bit by bit, drop by drop
Fire is water and water is fire.

The water now boils with the warmth of the fire;
The flames, now a flicker of cool;
Each of them play the others role,
Creating music with each others being,
Painting each other in their own colors,
Caressing and punishing,
Loving and hating,
Moving towards equilibrium.

Drunk to the extent, almost in a stupor,
High in each other’s presence, higher in each other’s thoughts:
Fire and water, water and fire,
They are addicts; addicted to each other.

P.S. The incessant relationship that fire and water share as elements has always been a source of wonder for me. To watch the two entirely opposite elements of nature creating harmony, reaching their equilibrium is not just a pleasure to the eyes but a very pleasant food for thought.



  1. I illuminate... you pacify...oneness remains. (or vice-versa?!)
    sigh. yes seeing and feeling fire and water working in harmony is a privilege! =) i loved it... the poem and the painting too!(long time i was missing it!) ;)

  2. As always, the very unique way in which you paint-chaos and colour!

  3. @Bani and Anweshan - I am glad you liked it. Been long overdue, this one! :)


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