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Showing posts from December, 2010


He hated it. So much so that he couldn’t stand It for the shortest period of time. It was almost like a monster eating him up. Slow and steady, like an insect it would creep out of nowhere and linger around him for eternity. Making him almost claustrophobic with it’s presence. Like a rope tied around his neck, forbidding him to speak anything. All he could do was shouting in vain, hoping that someone would take it away from him. It was in It’s presence that the woman that he had loved so much had left him. It reminded him of those exam halls sitting inside which all he could ever do was staring at the empty answer sheet that he always submitted! Bringing back pathetic memories of the Conferences where he tried so hard to elicit some response from the other side. Or the umpteen attempts at making his audience laugh, failing most of the time. She loved it. So much so that it was like a part of her. She was used to it, like the chirping of birds, the presence of the wind. She did not fin

A Sheep speaks...

Today, I shall do what women are considered to be best at. To put it in more sophisticated words, I shall express my utter discontent towards the Indian Education System. Though I fail to see any Systematic order in constant strikes, absence of teachers/students from classrooms, exam paper leakages, mediocre infrastructure and ill-motivated classrooms, for the best interests of all I shall keep that out of the discussion. I wonder why we even call it “Education”, when all that we go through is just rigorous training to work as clerks or “Managers” under the bosses of “hefty package” Companies! Whatever happened to the formal definition of education as “a process to develop mentally, morally or aesthetically”? Though I don’t have many memories of classrooms (considering the lullaby that my teachers religiously sang for us in most of the classes), the fondest ones are those of the teachers ranting about how the syllabus needed to be finished (I say finished, not “completed”) before exam

When the Sky was on Fire!

“But no matter how hard I run I cannot touch the horizon Trying to catch the sand that slips from under my feet That runs between my toes If only Time can be reversed. It changes the colour of the water to the colours of the sky. Chasing sunsets As if they were mine.” -           Anonymous The self clicked pictures that follow were clicked on the day “When the sky was on Fire”! Clicked with a 2.0 MP Camera of my Mobile Phone, they are in no way "great pieces of Art". Nevertheless, felt like sharing them here! :D