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Waking Dreams

Waking Dream I

Amongst the thousand waking dreams,
There is a favorite I have,
In that dream I see,
You and I,
We are the sailors of the night,
You, the navigator of our crescent ship,
I, your faithful companion.
Together, we sail through the night sky,
There is no end,
For everything moves around in a circle,
The circle I call equilibrium.
As we pass the stars,
I notice a tiara of stars around my head.
Amazed, I look up at you,
And I see you smiling,
The smile that says, “It’s a gift from me, keep it!”
We move ahead,
Determined to find our destination,
Our love drives our determination,
And belief in each other drives us to move ahead.
We reach Saturn,
Together, we glide over its rings,
You hold my hand tight,
And I know you will always be there for me.
My white gown now shines
With the subtle hues of the rings.
I kiss you on your cheek and thank you for the gift!
Our journey through the night,
Is filled with love, happiness profound and colors galore,
And then the night’s blanket begins to lift,
The darkness, our comrade is no longer powerful,
We are no longer hidden from the world,
As our ship begins to fade!
But, we are not scared.
For we know that the night shall soon take over
And our journey through love shall commence, once again!

Waking Dream II

My skin burns,
Burns under the innumerable coats of paint,
The paint that refuses to come out or dilute.
Unable to breathe under the layers,
Layers of plastic happiness,
Layers of plastic love,
And layers of plastic me!
The sadness that is within fights to come out!
It was buried inside the layers,
And now it is suffocating.
It tears through my skin,
And my hands help the sadness to come out.
They are pulling at those layers, scrubbing off the paint,
Trying so hard that it begins to hurt.
My nails, they scratch my face,
And I see a part of the paint come out!
In the mirror, I see a tiny part of me,
And my eyes cannot identify it!
It is the flesh of a stranger, so unknown!
It isn’t beautiful, simply pure.
I am busy admiring the sight of it,
And suddenly I sense the paint around it moving!
It moves to cover up that naked part,
My fingers scratch at it again and again,
Trying to preserve that pure flesh,
Scratching at it again and again!
In vain, they stop.
Tired and leaving a bruise on that plastic face!

Waking Dreams I and II

 The night seems endless,
The blanket is thick and studded with stars.
There is calm on the surface and sadness underneath.
Through the pain, through the layers,
I look out for our crescent ship, in vain.
It is no longer there, but the darkness prevails.
And I want to see it!
I want to see us, on the ship, sailing through the night!
The sadness begins to grow,
Seeping down as it cannot come up on the surface.
It reaches the depths of my being,
Its intensity unfathomable.
And still I look out, hoping to see the crescent ship,
Through the clouds, through the darkness!
I want to shed tears,
Tears would release the pain caused by the sadness.
But they seem to have dried up, or simply angry with me,
Like the ship and you and our love.
I am tired of the wait, of the pain, of the longing.
The night continues and my energy continues to drain out,
And when there is nothing left,
There is a profound numbness, a vacuole.
And through it emerges a hope, a new wish.
Hope to see the dawn, the light that I never loved.
Perhaps that would remove the pain of not meeting you,
Perhaps that would give a fresh start!
 The blanket soon begins to lift,
The intensity of the dark lightens as the light fuses into it!
And then it comes!
The first orange ray!
It falls on my plastered skin, on the bruise.
It begins to itch and I scratch it, unable to control myself!
A pure flesh again emerges, and it is here to stay for a while.
It is tiny, but powerful.
The warmth of the sun caresses the naked flesh!
And that’s when the dreams end,
In the sadness of not meeting you
In the happiness of seeing and retaining purity! 

P.S. It was written a long time ago and most of the Followers would have already read it. But, this one goes here on a special request! :) Enjoy!


  1. all time favourite and close to my heart... =) loved reading them again!


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