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Old and New: Lodhi Gardens

Lately, I have taken to a new habit. Actually, just renewed an old habit. But, it seems so old now that it actually feels like a new one! Yes, quite contradictory. But, if you put yourself in my place, you’ll know what I am talking about. It isn’t new for us to take up a habit with vengeance and then in the humdrum of life, somehow unwillingly (and sometimes obnoxiously) just give it up. Anyhow, so I started my routine of physical exercise. More like, restarted it. Just in a different form. Owing to the lack of access (and my laziness to go to a far off place) to a basketball court, I have taken to jogging with quite a vengeance. I could very easily give credit to a month long exam schedule for making my conviction to run approximately 4 km in exactly 28 minutes, along with some not so difficult warm up exercises.

Well, that was just me boasting! Getting to the whole point of this post (which by the way is just a random rant), Lodhi Gardens is another beautiful place in New Delhi. Yes, it is perhaps not very new to hear. But, here I am not talking from the perspective of a tourist but from the perspective of a person who has lived in the city for her entire twenty years of life! I went there as a kid with my grandfather. The two things I remember about it from that time are the magnanimity of the place and the fact that a sleep lover (more so addict) like me woke up at 5 in the morning to go there! It is basically a huge place with a lot of things to keep you mesmerized. I hope to cover them during this undeniably long rant!

It is not a rare sight to see school children going there for picnics. I remember one such picnic there and how all of us hid behind the bushes near the Rose Garden to watch the not so shy couple who by the way, are a regular sight there! What we really missed out on was the beautiful rose garden which houses a variety of roses. For a (then) tomboy like me, bumping into couples of my own class at each corner of the Lodhi era monuments of the garden was like an icing on the cake!

What I also missed out on earlier and what now is a major source of attraction for me in that place is the artificial lake which covers approximately 100 m of the place. It has three fountains and a small duck shelter on one corner. A bridge runs over the lake on one side, which provides the perfect spot to chit chat with friends. The area with a canopy of trees, complete with a thin lane straight out of a Robert Frost poem provides the best place for some introspection. In the evenings, the chirping of the birds returning from a hard day’s work complement the sweet giggles of some or the other kid playing around that area!

Last but not the least is the Lodhi Restaurant. I would have commented about its food or the ambiance, but for that I will have to visit that place! And I am afraid visiting it will make me fall in love with it a bit too much! Not that I wouldn’t suggest the readers to go and try it out! :D
The Lake

The lane "straight out of a Robert Frost Poem"

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